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Our prices for renting works of art

Prices do not include delivery costs.

rental rates 2023.png

Demande de location de l'œuvre d'art

Mode de la livraison :
Mode de contact :

Nos spécialistes prendront contact avec vous dès la réception de votre demande

Merci, votre demande a été envoyée

Request a quote for renting a work of art

by email or telephone

You can send your request 

either by

or contact our advisor by telephone07 66 51 90 80.

Information to communicate:

  • Title of work of art to rent (or its SKU reference number or the link to the lot sheet on our site)

  • Your first and last name; company name

  • Your email address and telephone number

  • Rental period (event 1 week or for 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 months)

  • Delivery address

  • Payment method (online by card; payment terminal; bank transfer; PayPal)

  • Desired additions (e.g. supervision, etc.) and other details

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