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Mode of delivery :
Mode of contact :

Our specialists will contact you upon receipt of your reques

Thank you, your request has been sent.

2. Order the work of art by email or by telephone:

You can send your order

either by

or contact our advisor by telephone07 66 51 90 80.

I. Information to be communicated:

  • Title(s) of work or lot number (SKU) or send the link to the page of our product site

  • Your first and last name; SIREN number or company name

  • Your email address and telephone number

  • Delivery address

  • Payment method (online by credit card; credit card payment terminal; bank transfer; PayPal)

  • Desired additions (e.g. supervision, etc.) and other details

  • Discount code

II. We will send you the order form, delivery terms and instructions for making payment.

III. Please note that your order will only be processed after receipt of your transfer.

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